MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "tags": [
                "name": "mw-blank",
                "displayname": "Nodz\u0113sta lapa",
                "description": "Labojumi, kas nodz\u0113\u0161 lapas saturu",
                "hitcount": 2,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-changed-redirect-target",
                "displayname": "P\u0101radres\u0101cijas m\u0113r\u0137is nomain\u012bts",
                "description": "Labojumi, kas maina p\u0101radres\u0101cijas m\u0113r\u0137i",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-contentmodelchange",
                "displayname": "satura mode\u013ca izmai\u0146a",
                "description": "Labojumi, kas [ maina lapas satura modeli]",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-new-redirect",
                "displayname": "Jauna p\u0101radres\u0101cija",
                "description": "Labojumi, kas izveido jaunu p\u0101radres\u0101ciju, vai p\u0101rveido lapu par p\u0101radres\u0101ciju",
                "hitcount": 2,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-removed-redirect",
                "displayname": "No\u0146\u0113ma p\u0101radres\u0101ciju",
                "description": "Edits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirect",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-replace",
                "displayname": "Aizvietots",
                "description": "Labojumi, kas iz\u0146em vair\u0101k k\u0101 90% no lapas satura",
                "hitcount": 5,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-rollback",
                "displayname": "Atcel\u0161ana",
                "description": "Edits that roll back previous edits using the rollback link",
                "hitcount": 0,
                "defined": ""
                "name": "mw-undo",
                "displayname": "Atsaukt",
                "description": "Edits that undo previous edits using the undo link",
                "hitcount": 2,
                "defined": ""